Tue, 11 Jan 2022
The Economic Recovery Group has announced the availability of a further £3.4million committed to support local businesses in response to continuing pressures around COVID-19.
This is in addition to financial support of over £9million announced earlier in December.
Treasury Minister David Ashford MHK, commented: ‘We recognise the difficulties being faced by different sectors and the challenges they have ahead over the next few months. In light of the level of impact seen over the Christmas period, particularly within the domestic economy, the Economic Recovery Group have increased the level of support available and broadened the customer-facing sectors which are eligible for support, facilitated through two financial assistance schemes. This support is designed to assist these sectors further alongside supporting the wider economic base of the Island.’
The two Schemes are designed to complement each other, and businesses may be able to access both grant schemes for financial support, dependent on their circumstances.
To access financial support under either scheme, applicant businesses will be required to declare that they have suffered a significant reduction in turnover during the relevant qualifying period.