Tue, 17 May 2022
The Manx Government has announced a review of Curragh's Wildlife Park will be carried out this summer.
It said the review would identify a set of long-term and sustainable goals for the popular family attraction.
Last year, nearly 60,000 people visited the Park in Ballaugh, which is home to more than 60 species of rare animals and birds, many of which are endangered in the wild.
The Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture (DEFA), which runs the CWP, is looking to appoint a consultant to start the review next month.
It will set out a range of options to develop the Park economically, so it can become less dependent on the department’s budget.
The chosen consultant will work with key stakeholders and research other zoos, with similar constraints, before producing a range of fully costed recommendations and potential opportunities for the next 25 years.
It is hoped the review will be completed by September.