Sat, 30 Jul 2022
The football season kicks off this weekend and a new campaign using football to create a conversation within the Manx community about male mental health has been announced.
Mental health charity Isle Listen and FC Isle of Man have partnered together for the campaign.
Mental health remains one of the biggest issues facing men under 45 and through the partnership they want to highlight that mental health is just as important as physical health. Football is a topic that many men talk about more than any other, and through the popularity of football, both organisations hope to take even bigger steps towards removing the stigma on our Island.
Les Nicol, Vice Chairman of FC Isle of Man said about the partnership: “The club are delighted to be able to partner with such an important charitable organisation and look forward to working with them in the coming season in supporting the positive mental health and wellbeing of our Island”.
The partnership will see several initiatives over the next 12 months, including training over 100 people in the FC Isle of Man squad and the various support teams in mental health and wellbeing first aid, enabling them to spot the early signs that someone may be struggling and enable them to provide support.